Sunday, October 9, 2011

What is Yoga?

Many have heard this word and very few have an idea, even less know the importance of this amazing word. In Occident Yoga is associated with sex, and of course is normal to associate it with this meaning because of the existence of so many falls Guru, or spiritual teachers who use this path of Self Realisation for their own grown in the material word. But Yoga is not that.
Yoga means Union. Union with Ourself, with the Divine. We attain yoga daily and we are not even aware of this. When your awareness is fully in one activity or thought that is also Yoga. In the Vedic astrology when planets get aligned it's called Yoga. I would prefer to give an example of the drop of water falling into the ocean, the drop had not disappeared, but that drop of water had reach Yoga, had become one with the totality. That is Yoga. Dissolving all our concepts in order to become the totality of our True Nature.
Yoga have many sadhana (or practices).
The first and the most knows is called Asanas, or postures. The body have a lot of imperfections because of our actions against him, like eating bad food, drinking bad liquids,  not respecting the naturals hours of sleep and many others. To correct this imperfections in our body a Yogi is doing the Asanas to stretch the muscles and allowing the impurities to be purified, to give a boost to the internal organs, to awake the Kundalini and the most important to calm down the mind.
The second Sadhana is pranayama or extension of the life force. The body is alive because of prana, or the vital life force. And by doing pranayamas (breathing techniques) we gain more prana and we purify our entire organism and the impurities stored in the mind. The mind is working directly with the breath. If you noticed, in the moments when you are happy you breath long and profound and when you are angry you breath short and fast. By controlling the breath you control the mind. By doing pranayama you enter in a state of subconscious where all the imprints of the mind gets relived and dissolved. This is a very beautiful and important process in the life of a Yogi. We accumulate impurities in the mind not only from this life but  from many many others we had before. Is such a blessing to have this sadhana !
The thirds and most important, after my opinion is the sadhana called meditation. That is so wonderful! So amazing we are humans and we can experience meditation. Actually humans are the only creatures on earth who can meditate. It is our true nature! By meditation a Yogi tries to control the thought waves of mind. But in a special way. Many practice meditation as an effort to stop the thought waves of mind. But not a Yogi! He is accepting all the thoughts, he is aware of them, he let the mind go free. The mind has this right! But he is a wiser, he does not get affected by them, Guruji used to say "What you resist , it persist" and this is so correct, especially with the mind. The more you try to control it, the more it will become your worst enemy. Dissolve into your being, accept everything, and that is the meditation of a  Yogi. Meditation does not stop when you exit the meditation posture. Meditation is in every second. While you eat, you are at peace, while you walk, you walk blissfully. That is such a blessing....but is sad how many are not even aware of this.
And a Yogi have a special tool, that is called Devotion. As many many masters have spoken before, devotion is the juice of spirituality. Many may do the practices and never feel the results, but a wise man will be devoted and for him there is nothing to desire, devotion is his food, devotion is his purpose.
Long long ago and far far a way a wise man once said "God if you want to give me something, give me devotion". If you explain to a blind man, how does a flower look, as much as you try he will never know it. As much as I try to explain devotion, many will not know it. I leave this juice to be tested by each one, at the right time, at the right place.
I belong to you

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