Wednesday, October 12, 2011


After my personal opinion, devotion is the juice of life.
Imagine sugar without sweetness and this is the life of an ignorant person without feeling the smallest drop of devotion. In the same way as sugar cannot exit without  sweetness, life cannot blossom without devotion. A flower cannot be beautiful without having colour, and the same way the beauty of life cannot be expressed without devotion.
Devotion is that state of love, where nothing matters. That state of love in which you would do everything just to be close to God. That state of love in which tears are falling from your eyes but not from suffering as they mostly do, but from happiness and gratitude. That state of love for the Divine in which time and space does not exist. Is the only moment in our lives when we are alive and joyful. We only have 2 states of mind. Sleeping and daydreaming. But in devotion we are awake, in devotion we cry for gratitude because we have finally awake ourselves.
Devotion is that state of existence in which respect and love come together. That perfect balance of love and respect is called devotion. Respect and devotion are different, they try to expel each other, but in devotion they cannot exist separated. When we love to much, the respect is lost and we suffocate the other person and in time from love it will transform in hate. When we respect to much, there is no closeness, a feeling of coldness appear and from respect it will transform in hate or dejection. But in devotion they work together, they complete each other.
Love comes and disappear from our life. Love grows until it is lost. One day we may love something and the next day we could hate or reject it totally. But in devotion the love is never lost, it only grows day by day. Even if we don't feel it every day, is continuing to growing more and more day by day. Even our breath becomes devotion, even our actions becomes devotion, even our thoughts becomes devotion. Devotion is so intoxicating that is transforming our entire being. Devotion is food for the soul, we are feeding with devotion, we are healing with devotion and we are alive in devotion.
Devotion gives us strength and knowledge, power and wisdom. Devotion is cureing the disease of ignorance. Devotion happens when we become aware of our Self, when we realise we are part of this big creation of the Divine. How could so many still believe that there is nothing more then the realm of Samsara created by our minds when we receive so many evidences in every second? We can not even control the next second. We may die in the next second or live for 100 years more, we may be poor now but we may be rich tomorrow, we may be sick of an incurable disease today and be fully cured tomorrow. There are so many examples like this that had happen and will continue to happen. We can not control anything in this creation but we still think we do. The moment you surrender and dissolve into the Atman, that is the moment when devotion flowers and we become alive. Let us open our hearts and receive all what life is giving us because everything is a gift, everything is made to make us a better person. Everything is here at our need, let us be grateful for what we receive. Let us dissolve into the Divine Love. We have suffered so much, but now, we are in love.


  1. Ai dreptate nu avem nici un fel de control asupra uramtoarelor clipe. Viata noaswtra a fost scrisa din secunda in care primii 2 atomi s-au cionit, din momentul big-bang-ului. Imagineazati o masa de biliard in care mingiile suntem noi iar big bang-ul este acea energie care actioneaza a primei bile, astfel, acea bila le loveste pe celelante iar celelante lovesc mai departe la randul lor alte bile. E frumos si felul cum explici tu anumite fenomene si lucruri. Oare pe creatorul nostru cine l-a creat?

  2. Just one word to discribe what you've written ...
