Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wealth is in the heart

Traveling so much and discovering so many places, makes one see better the reality and diversity of life. We imagine the world to be just the environment surrounding us, but the world is much bigger then our limited perception. The moment when we become aware of the reality it may transform into a shocking experience. Leaving the mentality and financial statute of Romania and moving into Paris, the city of romance, was such a shock. The splendour of Paris with it's amazing architecture even from the 11 century and the incredible financial power made me understand that i was living into such a small place with my eyes closed never aware of the diversity surrounding the world.
I was understanding wealth as being the financial statute a person owns. In Europe, a person is appreciated more for his wealth then his personality or heart. This had become a parasite that is consuming the society slowly day by day, infecting the mind of so many millions of people. So many wars have started from greed and desire of wealth and the world still did not understand it's real value. As much money and properties a man may own, at the time of death all his wealth will remain here on this earth, it will not follow his soul on the path of births and rebirths. Fouls are those who do not understand this.
Wealth is something much more then this, wealth I would say is the beauty of one own purity and blossoming of the heart.
Guruji said something very wise : "The value of an object is given by his owner, not the object gives value to the owner". To better understand this, a golden bracelet may give some value to the owner. But the stick that Mahatma Gandhi used has unlimited value. Is not the stick that has the value, but the fact that a Holy person had used it.
In India this is the case, people are very poor, but the beauty of their heart is shining like the sun lighting the galaxy. Like rainbow after the rain, they bring you a deep smile of gratitude on your face. Gratitude of being a witness of their wealth. They would have only a peace of bread to eat for the entire day but they would share it with you and also thank you for giving them this opportunity to serve you.
Their beauty is astonishing, their way of enjoying even a smile from you, they way of seeing the Divine in you and in everything. For them, the indians, there is not difference from your or God. And their devotion for the Guru or Master is firmly routed in their hearth, they can not even imagine the day without offering a flower or incense to the Guru, or the Deity they are following. As said before, even if God would take everything that i think i own, because i don't own anything anyway, i would only regret taking me away from my family, my family that are the devotees of India.
Jai Jai Radha Raman Hari Bol


  1. so beautiful and powerful this post cosmin! I really enjoy reading your observations. India seems to be a sacred place full of love and light. although there are very many poor people. i guess europeans want to give them food or clothes but maybe the indians don t need those material things, but only to share love and wisdom. how could people change their values in a world based so much on the exterior? can t wait to see with my own eyes the beauty of India, it s people :X

  2. Intr-adevar "valoarea unui obiect este data de stăpânul său". Imi pare atat de rau ca, comentariul anterior in care ti-am scris aproximativ o pagina a rezultat din pacate o eroare si nu s-a postat. Am sa incerc sa fac un mic rezumat si intr-un fel sa-ti multumesc pentru efortul de a impartasii cu noi aceste experiente, poate pentru noi, neimaginabile. Am realizat ca un gest mic dar cu intentii bune, poate schimba viata unui om in bine. Ne poti face sa privim catre o lume noua in care pacea, bogatia sufleteasca, armonia si libertatea sunt doar cateva lucruri de care aceasta lume ar avea mare nevoie. La noi in tara am ajuns sa fim sclavii bancomatelor, toti vor mai mult fara sa se gandeasca (vorba ta) ca taoata aceasta bogatie materiala se va duce odata cu ei in mormant. Cei bogati fura de la cei saraci fara sa se gandeasca ca acei oameni poate nu au o paine sa puna pe masa. Ne ingramadim toti doar in anumite teritorii precum Anglia, Spania, si de ce? Din cate ne spui tu lumea este atat de mare si atat de frumoasa. In multe locuri de pe aceasta planeta e loc de mai mult si putem fi primiti mult mai frumos decat la noi acasa. Aduti aminte de clipa in care tu ai hotarat, ai luat decizia, sa iei viata in propriile maini si sa lasi trecutul (poate nu foarte fericit)in urma privind catre o lume noua. Toate acestea venind de la un simplu factor. Credinta! Ne-ai aratat ca un simlu moment de luciditate poate schimba viata unui om in bine. Ne-ai invatat ca ti se poate intinde o mana de ajutor daca tu o accepti. Asteptam urmatoarea ta relatare ce poate ne va schimba viata in ceva mai bine. Viata materiala fara viata spirituala nu poate fi la fel. E loc de mai mult in inimile noastre.
